Admission Criteria:
We look forward to Housing, Healing, and Helping your patients. This list is a framework; we can and will make special arrangements to help you and your patients whenever possible. Just let us know how we can help.
Any patient being considered for a referral to HOLA Recuperative Care, must meet the following eligibility guidelines and criteria:
Able to complete all Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently. Wheelchairs and/or DME devices may be accepted if patient has:
Ability to use DME device safety and understand proper use and handling. (i.e., transfers from toilet to wheelchair)
Ability to use DME without assistance (no Care Giver Assistance required)
Ambulation distance of at least 20 ft must be reached prior to hospital or facility discharge (with or without DME)
Able to self-administer medication with staff oversight
Continent of both bladder and bowels (if diapers are used, patient must change and maintain hygiene completely independently)
Medically and psychiatrically stable at discharge.
Alert and oriented (Name, place, date and situation)
Not a danger to self or others (not suicidal or violent)
If specialized care or equipment is required, discuss with our staff before referral (CPAP, special bed, specific wound care requirements, detoxing, etc.)
Please review this with treatment team and patient prior to referral.
Exclusion Criteria:
Unable to complete ADLs, personal care, or medication administration
Incontinent of bladder and/or bowel
Significant Cognitive impairment, suicidal, or danger to self.
Active Tuberculosis/C-DIFF/MRSA of Sputum (possibility of wound)
Patient has a highly contagious condition
Stage 3 or higher decubitus ulcers and cardiac EF % <30.
Active substance abuse & not willing to abstain while in the program.
Unstable medically & psychiatrically
Combative or aggressive behavior towards staff or other patients.
Patients actively detoxing (i.e. Alcohol, Benzos) will need to be stabilize prior to being referred